Data Products

The DESIS products are described in Table 1 (all products with a * can be delivered to science users via a proposal).

Data level (Abbreviation)
Level 0 (L0)
Raw data
Level 1A (L1A)
L0 data with correction and calibration computed and appended
Level 1B (L1B)*
Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance [mW/(cm2 sr um)]
Corrected for smile and rolling shutter
Level 1C (L1C)*

Level 1B data ortho-rectified, resampled to a specified grid

  • UTM_Zone_of_Scene_Center
  • UTM_Zone_of_Scene_Center(-1)
  • UTM_Zone_of_Scene_Center(+1)
  • Geographic

With interpolation user option

  • Nearest_Neighbour
  • Bilinear_Interpolation
  • Cubic_Convolution

Note: Global DEM database used for terrain correction
Note: Sensor model refinement using global reference image (Landsat-8 PAN with 14 m GSD)

Level 2A (L2A)*
Surface reflectance (i.e. after atmospheric corrections for land) with Ozone Column user option given in Dobson Units and terrain correction Yes/No.

Spectral binning means the summation of adjacent spectral bands (taking into account the spectral response functions). Standard binning is performed in the L1B processor and is denoted as software (SW) Binning.

(Note: Four spectral binnings can be selected with no-binning results in 235 spectral bands at ~2.55 nm spectral resolution (FWHM), 2x binning with 118 spectral bands (~5.10 nm FWHM), 3x binning with 79 spectral bands  (~7.65 nm FWHM) and 4x binning with 60 spectral bands (~10.20 nm FWHM)). As the spectral resolution is band-dependent, the given spectral resolutions are average values, and the precise values are provided in the metadata.