DESIS - DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer Mission installed on the International Space Station (ISS)


The MUSES platform provides accommodations for two large and two small hosted payloads. MUSES is attached at the ELC-4 (EXPRESS Logistics Carriers) starboard of the ISS (Figure 2 1). This is a space-based, Earth-pointing platform providing position sensing, data downlink, and other core services for each payload attitude control. DESIS has a mass of ~88 kg and is integrated in one of the large containers. Two gimbals allow a rotation of the whole MUSES platform around two axes resulting in ±25° forward / backward view, 45° backboard (port) view and 5° starboard view. Together with the POI of the DESIS instrument a ±40° along track viewing is possible. The platform is equipped with a star tracker (sampling rate 10 Hz) and a MIMU (Miniature Inertial Measurement Unit) (sampling rate 50 Hz) providing a 10 Hz attitude measurement after filtering. ISS GPS data provide position and velocity vectors and time tags (sampling rate 1 Hz) within the BAD (Broadcast Ancillary Data).  The predicted viewing capability of MUSES, when operating at the ISS orbit inclination of 51.6°, will enable the DESIS instrument to scan the majority of the populated Earth.
