The COINS project (Co-developing innovations for sustainable land management in West African small holder farming systems) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The aim of the project is the sustainable intensification of agriculture (SI), i.e. increasing productivity without taking up new land. In COINS, the relevant SI options will be catalogued, evaluated in terms of their suitability in local contexts in study areas in Ghana and Senegal, and finally the appropriate measures will be implemented on the ground. In the process, all stakeholders and actors are integrated in innovation laboratories in order to work with them to identify mechanisms and framework conditions under which sustainable intensification of agriculture can work.

The German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of DLR coordinates the COINS project and generates innovative remote sensing products. Among other things, biophysical parameters are derived from sentinel time series (image example leaf area index), which are used for modeling on the one hand and for monitoring of the effectiveness of SI measures on the other.