CENTAUR – Copernicus Enhanced Tools for Anticipative response to climate change in the emergency and security domain
The CENTAUR project is an integral part of the Copernicus Security and Emergency Services evolution, with a primary focus on addressing societal challenges arising from climate change. This includes issues such as political instability, violent conflicts, and population displacement, among others. The project's overarching goal is to develop and showcase new service components for two key aspects: the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) and the Copernicus Service in Support to EU External Action (SEA).
Specifically, the CENTAUR project aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Enhancing situational awareness and preparedness regarding the impacts of climate change on complex emergencies and multi-dimensional (security) crises;
- Anticipating the occurrence and potential cascading effects of crisis events, particularly those triggered by climatic extremes, thus contributing to building resilience and facilitating effective adaptation strategies.
To fulfill these objectives, the work packages involving DFD-LAX primarily focus on providing essential spatial input data. These datasets encompass vital information about settlements and population distribution. They serve as fundamental inputs for modelling various indicators and indices within the context of exposure and security risks related to urban floods and water/food (in)security.