
The The image processing system XDibias, developed by IMF, is the fourth generation of a generic tool that is used as an ‘image processor development platform’ and for evaluating remote sensing data. It comprises a broad collection of software processors designed to handle raster- and vector-based information within an easy-to-use environment for photogrammetric evaluation, land cover classification, traffic monitoring, remote sensing of water color, and other tasks. Standardized software interfaces and libraries ensure flexible and fast development of new evaluation algorithms in response to challenges posed by new sensor systems, project demands, and scientific progress. XDibias running on Linux platforms is used by several EOC research groups.
From the user’s point of view XDibias offers tools embedded in a friendly graphical user interface for
- Administration of medium scale image databases
- Import/export of different image data formats
Evaluation of images based on a processor pool comprising approximately 200 modules ranging from standard to up-to-the-minute technologies:
- Basic operations (e.g., image algebra, morphologic operations)
- Radiometric corrections and conversions (e.g., radiometric image adjustment, atmospheric corrections, image mosaicking)
- Systematic image corrections (e.g., coherent and statistical noise removal)
- Statistics (e.g., image correlations, histograms)
- Multispectral classification (e.g., supervised and unsupervised classification)
- Filter operations (e.g., spatial and frequency domain filters)
- Geometric transformations (e.g., physical and empirical models for ortho-image production, map projections)
- Image transformations (e.g., texture analysis, Fourier transformations)
- Stereo and DEM processing (e.g., image matching, bundle block adjustment, DEM generation and fusion)
- Pre-processing for special sensor systems
Interactive image visualization and measurement tools, including
- Image display and interactive manipulations
- Vector graphic support
- Point measurements and accuracy assessments in sub-pixel range
- GIS functionalities
- Annotation
- Support to build processing chains for automatic evaluation of mass data.
From the developer’s point of view it offers
- Standardized interfaces to image input/output, processor parameters, and error, logging and online-help mechanisms, which reduces processor development to algorithm coding
- System functionality is provided by modules implemented in the form of highly encapsulated libraries, in order to achieve reusability and modularity of the system elements
- Integrated standards in the form of open source libraries with bindings to C/C++ and FORTRAN.