June 22, 2021

Service informs about health risks from climate change and air pollution

On June 11, 2021 the “Safety Future Lab” in Berlin held a workshop on the subject of climate change and public safety. The Safety Future Lab is a demonstration site in Berlin-Mitte operated by the Free University of Berlin and the Public Safety Research Forum in order to improve knowledge transfer and interactions among public policy makers, scientists, local authorities, first responders, end users and aid organisations.

The web-based “Bioclimate Information System(BioClis)” developed at EOC and Augsburg University was introduced to members of the Bundestag.

BioClis provides information about the accumulative health risks caused by air pollution, heat stress and cold stress in the form of daily, colour-coded risk maps and forecasts covering two days. The service was developed as part of the Bavarian joint project Climate Change and Health, VKG, and is accessible to the public (https://www.alpendac.eu/bioclis). It contains information aggregated at the county level as well as a mode for experts with higher spatial resolution and a more detailed breakdown by age and illness.
