June 26, 2024, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Cologne Solar Colloquium 2024

The event highlighted the increasing importance of solar thermal energy as a key technology for the heat transition. It focused on the potential of solar thermal energy for heat generation in various areas of application and its role in the production of sustainable fuels.

The programme showed the wide range of possible applications for concentrating solar technologies:

  • Concentrated solar thermal energy for the heat transition - Experience from the field
    Speaker: Dr. Joachim Krüger, European Solar Thermal Energy Association ESTELA
  • Qualification and measurement technology for the solar industry
    Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Peter Heller, Institute of Solar Research
  • GlassPoint enclosed parabolic troughs: Cost-efficient process heat at scale
    Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Weinrebe, GlassPoint
  • Defossilising the energy supply of a chemical production site
    Speaker: Stefano Giuliano, Institute of Solar Research
  • Solar Fuels: Overview of solar thermochemical cycles
    Speaker: Nathalie Monnerie, Institute of Future Fuels
  • Experimental demonstration of solar chemical processes and components
    Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Martina Neises-von Puttkamer, Institute of Future Fuels
  • CST for process heat and solar fuels: Global project examples
    Speaker: Johannes Daniel Kretschmann, Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG
  • DAWN - The world's first industrial plant for the production of solar fuel
    Speaker: Patrick Hilger, Synhelion Germany

A highlight at the end of the day was a visit to Synhelion's DAWN plant in the Brainergy Park Jülich and a visit to the Solar Towers Jülich.

Registration fee:

The regular price was 150,- Euro plus VAT, students payed 50,- Euro incl. VAT.


Institute of Solar Research
Im Langenbroich 13
52428 Jülich


Elke Reuschenbach, Kristin Hofer

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Solar Research
Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln-Porz
Tel: +49 2203 601-1904