Security and Defense Research at DLR

DLR focuses on research and technology development in aeronautics, space, energy, transport, as well as civil security and defence research. The results of the work in these core areas are utilised by the German Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and the German Armed Forces, along with other authorities involved in security tasks and industry.

Current geopolitical developments necessitate securing, maintaining, and further expanding our long-standing key competencies, analysis and evaluation capabilities. This enables us to provide technologies and applications tailored to the needs of public stakeholders.

By integrating our expertise in aeronautics and space with our competencies in energy, transport and digitalisation, we can fully harness the potential for security and defence research at DLR. However, achieving this requires rethinking security and defence research in collaboration with our partners in industry, politics and research. This also includes implementing measures to jointly protect our knowledge and technologies.




Andreas Schütz

Head of Corporate Communications, Spokesperson
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Corporate Communications
Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln