Yiğit (2021), Martian water escape and internal waves, Science, 374, 6573, DOI: 10.1126/science.abg5893
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics operated two Doppler wind lidars onboard DLR’s Falcon 20 around Cape Verde in September 2021 for validating the Aeolus wind product. First results reveal the potential for a significant data coverage increase.
A new modelling study assesses these uncertainties, showing that the climate impact of aviation soot on natural cirrus clouds is significantly smaller than in some of the previous estimates.
Balloon and rocket measurements of ion composition at altitudes of 25 to 125 km were successfully carried out by IPA in northern Scandinavia. Two new mass spectrometers built at the institute were successfully deployed.
17 research teams from 7 nations collected data on greenhouse gas emissions in northern Scandinavia during MAGIC using research aircraft, balloons, ground stations and satellites.
Fuel cell-powered aircraft will produce far more contrails than today's kerosene-powered aircraft. Nevertheless, these contrails will have less impact on the climate.
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A plate design for the permanent installation at major airports has been selected from 15 preliminary designs. Plate lines reduce the lifetime of wake vortices during final approach by up to 37%. The selected design consists of four frangible aluminum lattice masts covered by nine aluminum compound panels.
Due to the pandemic, in May 2020 an ozone decrease for the lower troposphere over Europe by 8% was found in simulations. This is mainly caused by reduced anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursors from the transportation sectors.
At night, the wake of a wind turbine recovers faster if rotating counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This affects the available power in the wind interacting with a downwind turbine.
Aviation can mitigate its climate impact by reducing CO 2 emissions and also by reducing non-CO 2 effects. This can be achieved by climate-optimized aircraft flight paths, as shown in various projects IPA is leading or participating in.