Temperature and strain measurement using fibre optic sensors

OFDR technology (Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry) makes it possible to carry out measurements with very high resolution and high readout rates using fibre optic sensors. Complex structures or new materials can be characterised or finite element calculations can be validated or calibrated.

The institute has a measuring device for measuring temperature and strain using fibre optic sensors. This enables

  • Measurements inside the structures/components
  • Measurements in locations for which alternative sensors are too large, e.g. temperature measurements in fuel cell stacks
  • Experimental validation tests:
    • Extensive comparison of the simulation through a high number of measuring points
    • Precise adjustment using in-house tool for modelling the fibre in FEM software
Sensor fibre measuring device

Luna Innovations Incorporated 

Due to the small diameter of the fibre, the glass fibre sensors can be easily mounted in or on components to take measurements under thermal or mechanical stress. The sensors have minimal influence on the component behaviour. CFRP laminates in particular are suitable for this measurement technology due to their layered structure.

With over 1500 measuring points per metre of fibre, the behaviour can be comprehensively determined and simulation models, for example, can be precisely adjusted or calibrated.

Virtuelle Messfaser

Technical data


Measuring device

Luna ODiSI 6102


Measurements: Strain and temperature at high resolution


Simultaneously usable fibre optic channels: 2

Optical measurement

Local resolution: up to 1500 measuring points per metre of sensor fibre; adjustable measuring point distance: 0.65; 1.3; 2.6 or 5.2 mm


Strain measuring range: +-15,000 microstrain


Strain resolution: 0.1 microstrain


Strain accuracy: +-1 microstrain


Elongation system accuracy: +-30 microstrain


Temperature measuring range: -40 to 200 °C


Temperature resolution: 0.1 °C


Temperature accuracy: +-2.2 to 0.6 °C, depending on the selected measuring point distance

Optical sensor fibre

Glass fibre with polyimide coating


Diameter: 0.127 mm


Maximum measuring length: 10 m


Maximum distance between sensor and measuring device: 19 m

The fibre optic sensor technology is part of the Future Lab for Additive Manufacturing & Engineering (FLAME).



Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Kopp

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte
Fahrzeugarchitekturen und Leichtbaukonzepte
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, Stuttgart