Quality management
The implementation of quality management, management systems and their auditing as well as product assurance guarantees excellent research results, research products and services at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR).

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Responsibility for the quality of processes and thus of research products and services and all activities required to ensure and maintain this quality is assumed by the institutes and facilities themselves. The quality of work results is created at the respective workplaces. All DLR employees are therefore jointly responsible for the fulfilment of DLR's quality objectives and are personally responsible for their implementation at their workplace.
As the basis for our actions, we at DLR have established the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001 for the implementation of quality management throughout our research organisation. The DLR Quality Management Officer, who is also Head of Quality and Product Assurance, is responsible for the DLR Management system, its compliance and further development.
Safety, quality, environmental awareness and the fulfilment of legal requirements are not only central elements of the DLR guidelines. They are the basis of our work at the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts. For us, the protection of people and the environment and the safe operation of test facilities and equipment go hand in hand. That is why we have our own safety and quality management systems, which are continuously being developed. In order to fulfil the high quality standards and continuous improvement in test operations and vehicle research, the quality-relevant activities at the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts are monitored and promoted. We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and are currently undergoing the final steps of the TISAX® certification process.
Our safety and quality management system supports testing and test bench operations in all project phases, from development to test operation and maintenance. For projects and test campaigns, we continuously develop the underlying processes from legal, customer-specific, regulatory and internal requirements, monitor and support the implementation of requirements such as carrying out risk assessments, error and root cause analyses, lessons learned, tests, measures and the management of documented information. In addition, the quality of all departments is also regularly reviewed through internal audits, thus maintaining the high level of quality.