Next Generation Train

State-of-the-art, affordable, climate and environmentally friendly rail transport plays a central role in the transport transition.

Only an attractive service will bring more people and goods onto the railways. To make this possible, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching the infrastructural and operational framework conditions, working on new, capacity-enhancing concepts for vehicles, operations and infrastructure as well as innovative methods for maintenance and servicing. Strategies for automated rail traffic are also a focus, as is work on the future role of dispatchers and train drivers in the control and monitoring of rail traffic.

Next Generation Train: bringing together and visualizing ideas and technologies

Under the "Next Generation Train (NGT)" guiding concept, DLR is developing its vision of what the rail transport of the future could look like as an essential part of mobility geared towards sustainability and increased capacity. The NGT concept incorporates innovative technologies from the fields of propulsion, aerodynamics, lightweight construction, chassis, crash behavior, air conditioning, automation, control and regulation. All developments and concepts are aimed at contributing to the transformation of mobility by rail as a mode of transport.

The result is an entire family of trains: the NGT HST (High-Speed Train) is a double-decker high-speed railcar train with speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour. The NGT LINK is a double-decker, interregional feeder train that connects cities with each other and with urban centers. The NGT CARGO is a fast, quiet and automated freight train that can be assembled from individual wagons and power cars as required. This allows goods to be transported flexibly, quickly and reliably while conserving resources.

The lead concept of the Next Generation Train continues to grow, currently with concepts for pioneering railroad stations and logistics terminals and in the near future with ideas for autonomous and on-demand rail buses (NGT TAXI) and their role in regional mobility concepts.


Tjark Siefkes

Director of the Institute
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart

Kristiane Schuster

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Vehicle Concepts
Pfaffenwaldring 38 - 40, 70569 Stuttgart