Vincent Janson
Dual studies: Aerospace electronics
Now: Institute of Flight Systems
Vincent Janson joined DLR in 2019 as a dual student of Aerospace Electronics. At our Institute of Flight Systems in Braunschweig, he is involved in the modelling and development of avionics systems and works mainly on software components and system design, predominantly in the field of artificial intelligence.
In this interview, he gives a brief overview of his exciting tasks and tells us what he particularly likes about working at DLR.
Vincent, what do you look forward to when coming to work in the morning?
Vincent: Basically, I look forward to being able to go to work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, that was not a given. I look forward to the social contact with my colleagues and to the official and unofficial meetings that take place during the working day. I appreciate the helpfulness of my colleagues if a task does not go as smoothly as I would like. I’m also happy that my own expertise is heard and welcomed when problems arise.
What are you researching or working on?
Vincent: Since the beginning of my dual studies, I’ve been actively involved in the EU project XANDAR and I’m developing an AI-supported flight assistance system (, which should lay the foundations for future AI developments in aviation.
The work areas involved are wide-ranging, from system conceptualisation and the development of requirements to modelling, but also concrete implementation through software development, validation and verification.
„I’m developing an AI-supported flight assistance system which should lay the foundations for future AI developments in aviation“
What does your typical working day involve?
Vincent: I’m an early bird and therefore usually the first one in the office. The average day then starts with routine tasks, checking for emails, calls or messages of any kind. But that's about as far as routine goes. Depending on the task at hand, I then devote myself to programming various possible implementations of an issue, modelling system aspects, optimising the neural networks used, and conducting research or similar activities. Of course, I also take over tasks from my colleagues if necessary.

Where and how is your work being used?
Vincent: The system I’m developing will probably not actually be used in any aircraft. But considering current developments, especially EASA's willingness to integrate AI for assistance systems in aviation, my work constitutes basic research in this field. Based on the fundamental findings, it is already possible to take critical aspects into account in system design and thus nip potential dangers in the bud.
„Working at DLR is a real highlight, because you have the chance to get a taste of a wide range of projects and experience the latest developments at first hand“
What are the highlights of your work?
Vincent: Clearly, one of my highlights is the development of a system that is really at the cutting edge of current research questions. But working at DLR is also a highlight, because you have the chance to get a taste of a wide range of projects and experience the latest developments first hand.

What special skills can you make good use of in your job?
Vincent: I like to describe myself as 'Jack of all trades but master of none'. I have a broad base of knowledge and am always eager to learn new things. Colleagues also credit me with a high level of resilience and perseverance in complex tasks.
Leave us a final thought.
Vincent: I don't want to give the wrong impression: a dual study programme is hard and time-consuming! Like so many things in life, it's not for everyone, and that's perfectly fine.
But it’s also a very valuable experience that catapults you to the front straight from day one. I’m grateful for all the colleagues, supervisors and companions who have supported me and will continue to do so!