Research funding & knowledge management

Programme Management Agency for Aviation Research

The Programme Management Agency for Aviation Research is an institution that organises and manages the funding of projects for climate-neutral aviation. Our clients are mainly ministries at federal and state level. We are the central partner for science, industry and ministries in the field of aviation.

Programme Management Agency for Aviation Research


  • Bonn
  • Berlin


The Programme Management Agency for Aviation Research (PT-LF) is an institution within the German Aerospace Center (DLR) that is responsible for supporting aeronautics research programmes.

We provide support...

  • to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) in the implementation of the federal aviation research programme (LuFo Klima).
  • to the federal states of Bavaria, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg and Lower Saxony, which supplement the federal programme with their own funding programmes.
  • with a team called "KMU Beratung Luftfahrt" (SME Consultancy Aviation), which offers specific events and advice for SMEs and start-ups.
  • As the national contact point for KEM Luftfahrt, we promote networking within the European framework programme.

What specialities are we looking for?

Scientific advisors:

degree in engineering or natural sciences (Master's/Diploma), preferably in the following fields of study

  • aerospace engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • or comparable qualification

Funding managers:

  • university degree in business administration (Bachelor/Diploma FH)
  • completed training for the higher administrative service (2nd administrative examination; Diplom-Verwaltungsfachwirt/in)
  • or comparable qualification

Office administrators:

  • completed training as an office management assistant
  • or comparable qualification

In addition to ongoing funding measures for our clients, our tasks also include numerous accompanying measures, such as market and technology analyses as consultancy for the federal and state governments. Thanks to our close dialogue with the aviation research network, we are able to systematically monitor technologies and markets and thus identify trends at an early stage. We analyse these trends and pass these impulses on to our clients by providing expert advice. This service is available to all authorities and organisations of the federal administration.

In addition to national aviation funding, another focus is on European exchange. This is reflected, for example, in the European cooperation with foreign aviation research programmes, but also in the collaboration in the States Representatives Group of Clean Aviation, as well as the collaboration in the European research network GARTEUR for civil and military aviation research.