Shaping the future.

Hybrid speedster for the commute of the future

Sebastian Scheibe is an aerospace engineer and conducts research into new vehicle technologies at the Institute of Vehicle Concepts in Stuttgart.

Every day, many of us travel by car from our homes to the nearest city. The distances seem short, but in the long term, local traffic emits considerable amounts of pollutants. My response to enable a resource-saving commute – the Safe Light Regional Vehicle (SLRV). The small hybrid speedster with a sandwich design is lightweight yet safe. Its fuel cell battery propulsion system provides it with a range of up to 400 kilometres.

„My team and I are developing a small futuristic vehicle“

At the Institute of Vehicle Concepts in Stuttgart, we investigate new vehicle technologies, while always keeping an eye on the future requirements of the transport system. Together with my team, I’m working on the Safe Light Regional Vehicle (SLRV). The new small vehicle’s body weighs only 90 kilograms and yet offers a high level of passive safety. In cooperation with external partners, I have revised the design and adapted the exterior. We combined the innovative lightweight construction with a highly efficient fuel cell propulsion system, which I helped to install myself. I also programmed the control system.

There is more to the SLRV than innovative technology. It is intended to provide a technology platform for local zero-emission mobility that is quiet and available for personal use. Together we want to show that innovative vehicle technology, usage conditions and cost-effectiveness for commuter traffic can be combined.

The SLRV is in good company in the large-scale Next Generation Car (NGC) project. Research is being conducted on two other vehicle concepts specifically for use in urban areas – the Urban Modular Vehicle (UMV) as a modular car for private and commercial users, and the Inter Urban Vehicle (IUV) designed for longer distances between metropolitan areas. A total of 20 DLR institutes are jointly developing technologies for the next but one generation of road vehicles as part of the project.

Sebastian Scheibe in the Safe Light Regional Vehicle (SLRV)

„The future belongs to intelligent mobility“

What I appreciate most about my work is the fact that we not only keep the big picture in mind, but that we also get the results onto the road quickly. We have already tested and presented a first prototype of the commuter vehicle. Being able to get behind the wheel is great fun. At DLR, I can unleash my creativity and am encouraged to contribute my own ideas and content.

How will we commute in the future? Light vehicles like the SLRV complement local public transport, especially in peripheral urban areas and outside towns and cities and can be used in car sharing or as environment-friendly second vehicles. With a low purchase price and high mileage, the price per kilometre remains favourable while the environment is protected – this is how my knowledge is shaping the future!

Would you like to shape the future with us? You can find the current job advertisements of our Institute of Vehicle Concepts here.

Like Sebastian Scheibe, all researchers at DLR pursue their tasks with curiosity and passion every day. They are free to focus all their energy on research and carry out pioneering work in the areas of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, security and digitalisation.

What do our researchers value at DLR?

  • a personnel policy that offers equal opportunities and is family-friendly
  • flexible working time models and 30 days annual leave
  • further education, communication and leadership training
  • comprehensive services for childcare and dependents in need of care, provided by an external cooperation partner
  • a management culture based on respect

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