Cross-sectoral, cross-focal project – Strategic options for energy sources in transport


Recommendations for action on the use of different energy sources in transport

  • Development and analysis of consistent energy use options in transport
  • Consideration of all relevant modes of transport (air transport, maritime and inland waterway transport, road, rail) and all relevant energy sources (hydrocarbons, hydrogen, batteries)
  • Preparation of policy and technology briefs

The SYSTÖK project is developing and analysing consistent options for the use of energy carriers in the transport sector. This option refers to a possible allocation of energy sources to different modes and means of transport. All major modes of transport (air transport, sea and inland waterway transport, road, rail) and all conceivable energy sources (hydrocarbons, hydrogen, batteries) are being analysed. The analyses are based on a tool that can be used to examine the consistency of the energy use options developed for the transport sector.

The project aims to develop option analyses with recommendations for using different energy sources in transport and to publish these in policy and technology briefs. To this end, a methodological tool is being developed to analyse the consistency of energy use options in transport. The consistency of an option is primarily based on the following criteria and parameters:

  • the usage intensity and patterns of today's road users
  • the technologies used today with their foreseeable further development
  • the necessary energy supply (renewable electricity, imports of electricity and energy sources)
  • current or necessary taxes, subsidies, prices and any fiscal gaps
  • competition with other sectors.

The correlations between these variables are described formally and logically in a consistency tool; important dependencies between the requirements of the transport and energy sectors are identified through close coordination with the energy system models.

The project imparts knowledge from partial economic sectoral and systemic models of technology and demand in energy and transport to policy-makers and strategic corporate managers. If required, the methods developed can be used to advise companies separately in third-party funded projects. In addition, the cross-institute SYSTÖK project provides facts and knowledge in such a way that the likelihood of success in applications for future, thematically similar projects in competition, for example as part of the National Hydrogen Strategy, is increased.


Jan Grippenkoven

Head of the Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transport Research
Means of Transport
Rudower Chaussee 7, 12489 Berlin