
The rules of netiquette apply on our social media channels.

Our social media channels give you a glimpse of ongoing research activities and allow us to publicise our latest news and interact with you. We welcome any comments, criticism, suggestions, opinions and lively discussion. Of course, you can also send us a direct message.

Maintaining a friendly and respectful tone is absolutely essential. Comment, discuss, debate factually and be civil. We urge you not to set out to provoke people, and not to let yourself be provoked. Each and every person has the right to freedom of expression – within the limits of the law. As a publicly funded research institution, we remain politically neutral. Our channels are all about research and development, innovation and technology transfer. We do not tolerate comments that include any of the following:

  • Insults, threats or slander of any kind
  • Discrimination against or defamation of persons and groups
  • Calls for violence against persons, institutions, companies and organisations
  • Extreme stances, racism, antisemitism and sexism
  • Pornography and obscenities
  • Infringements of the rights of Third Parties
  • The publication of private correspondence and personal data (addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers)

We reserve the right to hide or delete comments that violate our guidelines. If our netiquette is infringed despite repeated warnings, the profile of the offending party will be blocked on our channels. Every user is responsible for the content of any posts.