Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction


Carbon mobility budgets

  • MyFairShare is a pan-European research project that builds on the sufficiency principles to change mobility habits through individual mobility budgets.
  • Basic conditions for a carbon mobility budget are identified, methods for determining fair mobility budgets are developed and possible scenarios for the introduction of mobility budgets are tested in the context of selected LivingLabs.

The project has four objectives:

  • Identifying the basic conditions and perceptions for a CO2 mobility budget
  • Developing methods for determining fair mobility budgets
  • Testing possible scenarios for the introduction of mobility budgets in selected living labs
  • Providing strategies and guidance for the introduction of mobility budgets

The DLR Institute of Transport Research is primarily involved in the development of the fairness concept for measuring the mobility budget, investigating the acceptance of a mobility budget and possible effects in terms of behavioural change and carbon reduction, as well as developing models and calculating individual carbon budgets. DLR is also responsible for one of the six living labs that was set up in Berlin-Adlershof in 2023.

MyFairShare is funded within the framework of Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC).


Ilka Dubernet

Acting Head of the Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transport Research
Transport Markets and Mobility Services
Rudower Chaussee 7, 12489 Berlin