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Mechanical-Thermal-Chemical Testing
Mechanical-Thermal-Chemical Testing

MTC Biax Test Stand
MTC Biaxial Test Stand for lifetime testing of specimens under engine-like conditions to enable more reliable and precise lifetime predictions of multi-physically loaded components of aero-engines
The research area of MTC testing designs, develops, and operates innovative, unique test benches in order to better understand and describe the behavior of materials and components - in particular components in contact with hot gas - under engine-like conditions. Particular focus is on the long-term damage behavior under the simultaneous effects of mechanical, thermal, and chemical (MTC) loads.
The results obtained on the test benches are used to develop the experimental basis for validating numerical service life models. This is why an integral cooperation between numerical and experimental work at the institute and beyond is essential.
Dr. Laura Cordes
Head of Department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Test and Simulation for Gas Turbines