High-pressure Combustor Rig Stuttgart (HBK-S)

The high-pressure combustion chamber test rig at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) DLR Institute of Combustion Technology in Stuttgart enables investigations into combustion phenomena under conditions typical of gas turbines – high pressure, high temperature and high turbulence. Such investigations are possible thanks to the excellent optical access to the combustion chamber and the use of optical and laser-based measuring techniques.
Analysing combustion phenomena under high pressure
Due to its extensive air, fuel and cooling water infrastructure, multi-stage – and thus highly complex – combustion chamber systems can be investigated under high pressure at DLR's test rig in Stuttgart. The test rig is used for the development and improvement of gas turbine burners, combustion chambers and measuring techniques.
The data obtained here can be used to precisely characterise combustion phenomena in gas turbine combustion chambers and improve our understanding of them. This forms the basis for further optimisation of combustion systems for gas turbines. The generated data can also be used to validate numerical models.