Compact Test Range (CTR)

The Compact Test Range (CTR) is based at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und raumfahrt; DLR) Microwaves and Radar Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen; it is an indoor measuring system for the high-precision determination of antenna features over a frequency range of 0.2–100 gigahertz. Due to the facility’s very large measuring zone (approximately 3.4 metres in diameter) and its six-axis rotary stand with a load capacity of 300 kilograms, it is possible to measure antennas together with their support structures and aerodynamic attachments. This allows the effect of antenna characteristics on its electromagnetic environment to be detected in real-time.
A special measuring chamber for examining antennas
DLR's CTR comprises of a shielded measuring chamber clad with microwave absorbers, where two specially shaped metal mirrors produce a plane wavefront over short distances (the compact antenna test range). Due to climate control, the measurements are conducted under stabilised environmental conditions. The system is notable for its very high amplitude, phase and angular accuracy. It serves primarily to measure and verify the electromagnetic properties of newly developed antennas and structures. The range of applications offered by the measuring chamber also includes determining the radar backscatter cross-section of active and passive radar calibration targets.
Antennas are being developed in the radar remote sensing and radiometry departments of the Microwaves and Radar Institute. Other DLR facilities use antennas to conduct measurements for the purposes of communication, navigation, telemetry/telecommand and data transmission. The capability of the large-scale facility to be used in the measurement of antenna prototypes on behalf of external customers illustrates the wide-range of services it provides.