Solar Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Production


Solar tower system in Africa – concentrated solar energy for alternative fuel production
The energy of sunlight is concentrated using mirror systems to generate high-temperature heat that is used in a central reactor to split gases, such as water vapour or hydrocarbons, into their components. These components are then processed to produce sustainable fuels for aviation, shipping and heavy goods transport. The SOLHYKO project at DLR investigates these processes along with their environmental and economic impacts.


In the SOLHYKO (Solar Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Production) project, DLR researchers are exploring innovative processes for the sustainable production of hydrogen and hydrocarbons using solar energy. The primary aim is to help make the transport sector (including aviation, shipping and heavy goods vehicles) independent of fossil fuels, thereby supporting the German government's climate goals.

The project focuses on three key solar thermal processes:

  • Redox processes with monolithic porous bodies
  • Redox processes with particles
  • Solar reforming

In all three processes, the energy of sunlight is concentrated to break down gases such as water vapour and biogas into their components. The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) leverages its globally unique laboratory infrastructure for concentrated solar radiation to perform these processes. Subsequent steps involve producing alternative fuels that meet the high demands of the respective transport sectors.

The project focuses on advancing and optimising key solar thermal technologies. For this purpose, researchers develop and test processes on a laboratory scale, evaluate material efficiency and create detailed process models. They are also developing model-based methods to integrate these processes into a comprehensive system for synthetic fuel production using Fischer-Tropsch or methanol synthesis to coordinate their operation. Finally, the processes are evaluated from both environmental and economic perspectives to provide recommendations.

SOLHYKO project – Solar Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Production

  • Duration: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025
  • Leading institute: DLR Institute of Future Fuels
  • Project type: Core funding
  • Funding body: DLR Energy Programme Directorate


Jonas Martin

Project manager
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Future Fuels
Evaluation of solar production processes
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne