Factory of the Future – Intelligent robotics in digitalised production
Robotics is one of the great technological revolutions of the twenty first century, and is having a fundamental impact on a wide range of industrial sectors. In industrialised countries, mass production is no longer conceivable without robotics and automation. The trend today is increasingly moving in the direction of individualised – that is, customised – products, with a continuously increasing number of variants and ever-shorter production cycles. In this context, classic, purely automated or manual forms of production are clearly reaching their limits.
The aim of the cross-sectoral Factory of the Future project is to develop a wide range of digital production technologies, robotic systems and robotic applications for flexible and networked manufacturing processes, and to demonstrate them in 'lead scenarios'.
One focus is the realisation of robust, robot-supported manufacturing processes using digitalisation approaches and Industry 4.0, with the intent of making aerospace applications from the factory on the ground to operations in space and in the air more efficient, cost-effective, safe and resource-efficient. In the 'Factory of the Future', the approaches are to be applied on a broad industrial scale through targeted technology transfer.