The historic mission, which had been extended several times and far exceeded the expectations of the scientists, came to an end on 31 October 2018: radio contact with the probe stopped because it had run out of fuel as expected. But the data acquired until that moment will keep the scientists busy for a long time to come.

Dawn – one mission, two heavenly bodies
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft was launched on 27 September 2007. On 16 July 2011, it arrived at the asteroid Vesta, which it explored until 5 September 2012. The spacecraft then departed for the dwarf planet Ceres, where it will arrive on 6 March 2015. The Dawn mission is the first to successively study two celestial bodies from orbit.
An encounter with Ceres
The NASA Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres on 6 March 2015. Once there, it will record the surface with the German-developed Framing Camera. This image was acquired from a distance of 237,000 kilometres from the dwarf planet.

Dawn spacecraft with a nebula in the background
About four and a half billion years ago, the Main Belt asteroids formed from a disk of dust and ice particles over the course of only about 10 million years. They include Ceres (right), the largest dwarf planet in the main asteroid belt – with a diameter of nearly 1000 kilometres, and Vesta (to the left of the Dawn spacecraft), the third largest body. The representations of the two asteroids are based on images acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope, artistically modified in accordance with scientific criteria. The background image is also based on realistic assumptions and was created by the planetary researcher William Hartmann from the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson (Arizona).
Participating DLR institutes and facilities
Falk Dambowsky
Head of Media Relations, Editor
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Corporate Communications
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne
Tel: +49 2203 601-3959
Ulrich Köhler
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Planetary Research
Rutherfordstraße 2, 12489 Berlin