Research and Test Infrastructure

Test Bench P2

Test Bench P2

Test stand P2 is used to test orbital space propulsion systems or components with storable propellants. A supply tower houses the subsystems required to carry out the tests.

Areas of application

  • for orbital space propulsion systems under ground conditions
  • Smaller upper stages or upper stage engines under ground conditions


Mass flow


32 kilograms per second

Nitrous tetroxide (N2O4)

32 kilograms per second

Number of test positions

  • two test positions

Facts & Figures

Originally, the test stand was designed for tests under ground conditions with up to 1,000 kilonewtons. Today, the upper thrust limit is restricted to around 30 kilonewtons for safety reasons, due to the overall development of the terrain. The P2 test stand is built into the slope so that the building, with a total height of around 28 meters, protrudes 16 meters above street level. Smaller engines can now also be ignited under vacuum conditions. The control room for this test facility is located in building M6, so that there is also a direct line of sight to test stand P2.


Christopher Gusinde

Group Leader
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Propulsion
Test Facilities
Im Langen Grund, 74239 Hardthausen