Test Bench Technology

High-performance, modern and flexible test benches and supply systems are required to test liquid chemical space propulsion systems. Since 1959, DLR employees have been researching, developing and testing innovative technologies for chemical space propulsion systems at a test facility infrastructure in Lampoldshausen that is unique in Europe. Hand in hand with the test operation, the test bench technology expertise has also been built up over decades.
One of the DLR Institute's core competencies is the development, design and layout of the systems required for testing. The test stand simulates the rocket. The test benches must meet all the requirements that will subsequently be needed in real conditions during a rocket launch or in space. The test bench portfolio at the site is based on these requirements.
Test as you fly – fly as you test
The aim of a test is to reproduce the flight conditions of the engine on the test stand as realistically as possible. This is the only way to achieve safe mission predictions and high overall system reliability.