Planetary Analogue Simulation Laboratory

The Planetary Analogue Simulation Laboratory (PASLAB) is part of the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure. It serves independent research purposes, but can be used in common projects/missions together with external scientists. Its focus is on experimental investigation of physical, chemical and biological processes, which occur under environmental conditions such as on Early and present Earth, Early and present Mars and on exoplanets around cool stars. Results are relevant for applications in industry, research and mission preparation.
PASLAB has three simulation chambers capable of simulating different environmental conditions (pressure (p), temperature (T), radiation (λ), gas composition, and humidity (RH) in diurnal cycles) on time scales ranging from a few hours up to several months. The chambers are regularly used for biological investigations, as well as sensor tests and calibration.
In addition to the chambers, PASLAB is equipped with biology equipment to support investigations of different organisms and feature facilities such as sterile hood, anaerobic bench, PCR, photo-incubators, UV-VIS spectrophotometer etc.
Detailed investigations:
- Biology: Growth, metabolic activity/photosynthesis under different planetary conditions
- Physics: Influence of atmospheric conditions on material and especially sensor properties.
Missions involved
Department: Planetary Laboratories (PLL)