Mars Simulation Facility

The Mars Simulation Facility (MSF) is embedded within the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure. It serves independent research purposes, but can be used in common projects/missions together with external co-investigators. Aims are: experimental investigation of trace moisture sensors, physical, chemical and biological processes, which occur under environmental conditions like in (near-)surface areas of Mars. Results are relevant for application in industry, research and mission preparation.
The MSF simulates Mars-like environmental conditions (pressure (p), temperature (t), radiation (λ), gaseous composition, humidity (rh) in diurnal cycles) of about few hours up to several months.
Detailed investigations include:
- Biology: Growth, metabolic activity/photosynthesis under Martian conditions
- Physics: Influence of atmospheric conditions (p, T, gaseous composition, RH) on material and especially sensor properties.
Missions involved
Department: Planetary Laboratories (PLL)