Onboard wake vortex prediction including avoidance maneuvers demonstrated in flight tests
The onboard wake vortex prediction system WEAA (Wake Encounter Avoidance & Advisory) has been tested during flights of the DLR research aircraft ATRA in November and December 2016. The system predicts potentially hazardous wake vortices employing meteorological data and navigational data of the leading aircraft; it further detects potential conflicts and suggests appropriate avoidance maneuvers. In total three flight modes were investigated. Encounters of the wake vortices generated by the DLR research aircraft Falcon visualized by contrails are used to assess the quality of the wake vortex predictions. Avoidance maneuvers shown to the pilot on the navigation display constitute a worldwide premiere. Finally, encounters of wake vortices generated by the scheduled air traffic provide valuable data for the further development of the WEAA system towards its operational application.
Contact: Dr.Ing. Frank Holzäpfel
DLR press release: Link