Air Transport Forecast

Forecasts & Analyses

Precise Predictions for Air Traffic Planning

Air traffic plays a central role in a globalised world. It connects people and markets, fosters economic growth, and enables international goods transport. Given the dynamic nature of air traffic, it is crucial to accurately assess future developments. Forecasts help to identify transport, economic, and environmental factors at an early stage and develop appropriate measures.

Data Basis for Reliable Air Transport Forecasts

Our Air Transport Development department relies on an extensive and continuously updated data collection, some of which dates back up to 50 years. These historical data form the foundation of our forecasting models, which combine established statistical methods with innovative approaches to accurately depict the complex interdependencies in air traffic.

We consider different time horizons and levels of analysis:

  • Historical data (up to 50 years old) form the basis for predictive models
  • Short-term forecasts (~1 year)
  • Medium-term forecasts (~1–5 years)
  • Long-term forecasts (10–20 years)
  • Scenarios for developments beyond 20 years into the future

The DLR Institute of Air Transport is a leader in air traffic forecasting, offering extensive expertise across various geographical and temporal levels. Our research ranges from local analyses to global scenarios, covering both short-term trends and long-term future forecasts. We also examine the interactions between air traffic and other transport modes, as well as the economic and technological influencing factors. Through this work, we contribute to improving the sustainability and efficiency of air traffic.

Dr. Marc Gelhausen, Acting Head of Department

Advanced Models for Air Transport Forecasting & Analysis

Our models provide detailed insights into the development of passenger, cargo, and business aviation. We analyse both origin and transfer traffic and examine traffic flows on a global scale. This includes differentiating between capacity supply, pricing structures, and demand developments.

By combining statistical, econometric, and technical methods, we can precisely model the interdependencies between economic, infrastructural, and environmental factors in air traffic. Our models remain at the cutting edge of research, delivering reliable forecasts.

Research Topics & Projects

Our experienced team investigates numerous aspects of air traffic, including supply and demand, airport capacities, flight movements, and fleet distribution. We use historical and current data to identify trends and make well-founded predictions about future developments.

Key topics of our research include:

  • Interactions between air traffic and other transport modes
  • Impacts of new technologies (e.g. alternative propulsion systems) on sustainability and economic viability

  • Effects of political, economic, and regulatory developments

  • Scenarios for climate-compatible air traffic

  • Development of routes and aircraft types

  • Capacity analyses and potential bottlenecks

Our research contributes to numerous national and international projects, such as the assessment of infrastructure measures or the analysis of new mobility concepts. We also actively participate in international discussions and are represented in relevant committees.

Tailored Forecasts for Air Transport & Fleet Development

Our forecasting expertise enables precise predictions in various areas of air traffic, including passenger and cargo flows, flight movements, and fleet developments. The underlying models are continuously refined and can be customised to specific needs.

Our forecasting areas include:

  • Passenger and cargo forecasts up to 2050

  • Airport-specific route forecasts for airport connections

  • Forecast flight schedules for global air traffic

  • Fleet development and future aircraft fleets

  • Peak-hour analyses for airport capacity assessment

Practical Decision-Making Basis for Authorities & Industry

Our forecasts and analyses support a wide range of stakeholders, including municipalities, ministries, Eurocontrol, ADV/BDL, ICAO, as well as airports, airlines, and aircraft manufacturers. They serve as a foundation for airport expansion planning, the evaluation of policy measures, or the assessment of potential opportunities.

A key aspect of our work is the continuous monitoring of the air traffic market. We regularly publish reports that reflect current developments and serve as a basis for decision-making.

Contact & Collaboration

Our air traffic forecasts offer numerous opportunities for collaborative development of specific analyses. We work closely with stakeholders from administration, industry, and academia, whether for infrastructure planning support or comprehensive market analyses.

For further information and an initial consultation, please use our contact form.


Department Air Transport Development

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
DLR Institute of Air Transport
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne