Constellation 'Coma Berenices'

Constellation 'Coma Berenices'
Constellation 'Coma Berenices'
In his star atlas, published posthumously in 1690, Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) depicted the constellation 'Berenice's Hair' (Coma Berenices) in the northern sky in this engraving. The neighbouring constellations Boötes (the herdsman on Mons Maenalus, a mountain in Arcadia introduced by Hevelius), Serpens (serpent), Corona (crown), as well as the constellations Hercules, the hunting dogs (Canes Venatici) – Chara and Asterion (a ruler in ancient Crete) – and Ursa Major (Great Bear) are also depicted.

Prodromus Astronomiae