Hypersonic Vehicles

Supersonic and Hypersonic Transport
DLR-SART is actively involved in the definition and in preliminary design studies of advanced supersonic and hypersonic transport. An important goal is the critical assessment of the suitability of such vehicles and their propulsion technology as first stages in future space transportation systems. In the 1990ies a large supersonic carrier plane has been investigated under the project name DSL as a potential first stage.
Further, SART has been participating in two EU-funded research activities: LAPCAT and ATLLAS
- The EU sponsored LAPCAT study investigates different types of advanced propulsion systems for supersonic and hypersonic cruise airplanes. LAPCAT addresses advanced high-speed air-breathing propulsion concepts.
- Another separate but related activity is ATLLAS. The objective is to identify and assess lightweight advanced materials which can withstand ultra high temperatures and heat fluxes enabling high-speed flight above Mach 3. Additionally, the overall design for high-speed transports will be revisited to increase the lift/drag ratio and volumetric efficiency through the ‘compression lift’ and ‘waverider’ principles, taking into account sonic boom reduction.
- Finally, SART is in cooperation with the Japanese aerospace research institution JAXA for hypersonic propulsion and system studies.
Dr. Martin Sippel
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Space Systems