Systems Engineering and Project Office Department
The System Engineering and Project Office department deals with the development and realization of complex space missions and bundles the central competencies in the areas of project management, system engineering and assembly, integration and verification (AIV) for project management within the Institute of Space Systems. The aim of the department is effective and efficient project management and project implementation.

To achieve this goal, supporting processes, taking into account knowledge management, product and quality assurance, and innovative approaches such as model-based system engineering (MBSE) and advanced AIV methods are to be developed and established. This also includes the operation and expansion of the clean room and the electronics laboratory in order to ensure the unrestricted realization of projects.
The department's activities include the AISat, ADSb, MASCOT and Eu:CROPIS projects that have already been launched and the ongoing projects:
- ReFEX ("Reusability Flight Experiment"), a technology demonstrator for future winged reusable stages.
- CALLISTO, a reusable demonstrator for a vertical take-off and landing rocket stage (VTVL), which is being jointly developed, built and tested by DLR, JAXA and CNES.
- MMX rover, a DLR-CNES rover for JAXA's Martian Moon Exploration Mission (MMX)
- Future DLR satellite missions