The development process for the EDEN NEXT Generation ground demonstrator began in 2021 with the "Roadmap for the development of bioregenerative life support systems (BLSS)". This involved defining the mission objectives, followed by a detailed functional and needs analysis. The main objective is a so-called logistics-to-life-support approach, in which a module is initially to serve as a cargo transportation unit for supplying a potential human outpost on the lunar surface. Once depleted, the former cargo module will be converted (with minimal effort) into a greenhouse module to contribute to the habitat's life support system.

The so-called Lunar Agriculture Module - Ground Test Demonstrator (LAM-GTD) provides for a simplified habitat simulator that is connected to the greenhouse ground demonstrator in order to simulate all the necessary interfaces, in particular the gas exchange, between the greenhouse and the future habitat.
Experts from four DLR institutes, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the Canadian National Research Council (NRC) and associated partners from NASA and the ASI (Italian Space Agency) are involved in this project.
Dr. Oliver Romberg