Protecting our natural resources

Biodiversity at DLR's Cologne-Porz site

Protecting our natural resources is a matter of immense importance to DLR, not only as a research field, but also its practically implementation in the workplace. For this reason, the management team at DLR's large site in Cologne-Porz has implemented specific measures to promote biodiversity. A recent example was a special planting campaign involving the Chair of the DLR Executive Board, Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, department heads and directors of DLR research institutes based in Cologne. Additional measures at other DLR sites are set to follow.

Wildflowers 'from space' enhance the research landscape

As part of a 'day of action' in August 2023, DLR managers and the gardening crew sowed a wildflower meadow alongside the main access road. Remarkably, the seeds had previously been flown on the International Space Station (ISS). A 'space meadow' for bees and other insects will bloom here. Several fruit trees and bushes were also planted for a new orchard.

Fertiliser from the DLR start-up project NUNOS, using the C.R.O.P.® process developed by the DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Cologne, encouraged initial growth. This process allows liquid manure such as from cattle or fermentation products from biogas plants to be processed into a fertiliser solution that can be used by plants without any additional steps.

In terms of area, the Cologne-Porz site is one of the largest of the 30 DLR locations in Germany. Part of it extends into the Wahner Heide nature reserve, so it benefits from a high proportion of greenery, with extensive meadows and small wooded areas. Biodiversity is an important focus here and at other large DLR sites.

In addition to planting trees and bushes, other measures for boosting local biodiversity are planned for the Cologne-Porz site. For instance, we plan to establish several colonies of bees tended by a beekeeper.


Philipp Bergeron

Sustainability Officer and team leader
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne