Internal Auditing

Internal Auditing (symbolic image)

The Internal Auditing Division reports directly to the vice-chairman and is an important part of DLR's internal control system.

In addition, its independent, objective auditing and consultancy function is used to improve DLR's overall internal corporate processes and activities, and thus make a contribution to DLR's overall strategy. The Internal Auditing Division provides information in the form of reports, analyses and assessments, and, on this basis, offers recommendations and suggestions for improvement. In addition, the Internal Auditing Division, independently of its auditing function, is commissioned by the DLR Executive Board and management team for individual projects, including consultancy mandates. The Internal Auditing Division team conducts general internal audits as well as area-specific audits. Furthermore, the team is specialised in conducting technical audits.

The main tasks of the Internal Auditing Division are:

  • System and organisation audits in terms of structural and process issues (resource and process organisation) and adherence to and the effectiveness and sustainability of internal guidelines;
  • Audits relating to cost-effectiveness, fitness for purpose and efficiency in rendering of services;
  • Support and auditing of the internal control systems and risk management process;
  • Auditing of evidence concerning the use of third-party resources;
  • Accuracy and cash auditing;
  • Special audits and project tasks;
  • Audit-independent, internal consultancy services.

As a long-term member of the German Institute of Internal Auditing (DIIR), the standards of the national DIIR, the international IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors), and the IDW (German Institute of Public Auditors) form the basic framework conditions for auditing activities within DLR. The DLR Auditing Division is also an active member of the internal audit working group in the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. In addition, we offer auditor work-shadowing opportunities.