Mobile system for acoustical measurement techniques (SAG)

The aeroacoustic laboratory Goettingen (SAG) comprises the advanced aeroacoustic measurement techniques at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology in Goettingen including several acoustic microphone arrays, a variety of acoustic sensors, two large data-acquisition systems and a high-speed PIV system. The individual components can be integrated to mobile measurement systems to perform different measurement tasks in the field of aeroacoustic research.
Figure 1 shows the DLR microphone array in the low-speed test facility of Airbus Bremen (B-LSWT). By means of this microphone array sound sources can be localized and quantified on aircraft half models in the closed test section of this industrial wind tunnel (see also: Measuring principle of the Microphone array). The application of the high-speed PIV system to measure the sound velocity non-intrusively is shown in Figure 2
General data
- Site at DLR Göttingen
- Opening in 2008
- Operation vear-around
Technical Data
- anechoic room 7,4 m x 6,75 m x 4,3 m (following DIN EN ISO 3745:2012-07, Appendix A) with optional flow test stand (nozzle dimensions 0,4 m x 0,4 m, up to 50 m/s)
- 9 time-synchronized data acquisition systems of
type VIPER with a total of 496 channels at a sampling rate of up to 250 kHz - 2 data acquisition systems of type Oros
with a total of 56 channels - 60 ¼-inch condenser microphones
- 20 ½-inch condenser microphones
- 80 ¼-inch multifield condenser microphone
- 100 ¼-inch cryogenic condenser microphones
- 250 pre-polarized electret microphones
- 40 uniaxial accelerometers
- 30 triaxial accelerometers
- 60 piezo-resistive pressure transducers
- 18 sound intensity probes (p-p and p-u)
- 1 three-dimensional intensity probe
- Microphone arrays for various applications
- Measurements in closed test sections (up to 288 microphones)
- Measurements in open test sections (up to 250 microphones)
- Measurements in cryogenic environments (144 microphones)
- Measurements in pressurized cryogenic environments (96 microphones)
- Cabin microphone array (60 microphones, flight-test approved)
- Near-field holography
- Miscellaneous: filters, artificial head, signal generators, exterior microphones, noise sources, pistonphone, 1-point laser vibrometer
- Lokalisierung und Quantifizierung von Schallquellen
- Localization and quantification of noise sources
- Identification of source mechanisms
- Mobile operation in flight testing
- Investigation of boundary layer excitation
- Measurement and reduction of noise in the aircraft cabin
- Mobile operation in industrial wind tunnels
- Open measurement sections
- Closed measurement sections
- Wind tunnels with cryogenic and pressurized measurement section
Project highlights
- SIMKAB (Simplifizierte Kabine, LuFo IV-2)
Objective: technical survey of source locations, main transmission routes, and noise emission in the cabin in a flight test with the DLR’s Airbus model A320 research aircraft ATRA - ALSA (Akustische Lokalisation von Strömungsablösung im ETW, LuFo IV-3)
- Objective: Survey of aeroacoustic noise sources on downscaled models at flight reynolds numbers and investigation of relation between near-field and acoustic far-field.
- PROTEG (Production Optimising Technologies, Lufo IV-3)
Objective: experimental survea of the boundary layer exciation of a light-weight plate at M =0.8 - NEMO (Noise Source Evaluation using In-flight Data and Modal Characterization of CRAFD Demonstrator, LuFo IV-4)
Objective: detailed analysis of SIMKAB flight test data retrieved from the A320-ATRA and derivation of an empirical model for the boundary layer exciation. - FlightLab (optical vibration measurement techniques and efficient analysis tools, Lufo V-1)
Objective: Development of a physical modell for prediction of noise emission of a light-weight plate under boundary layer excitation. - InScan (accurate and time-optimized in-flight intensitätsscanning, Lufo V-2)
Objective: Development of an array-based measurement concept for swift and precise determination of cabin noise - MAAM-course (Mikrophone Arrays for Aeroacoustic Measurements, 2014, 2016)
- Research support (Daimler, VW, Porsche, Audi, Hübner, DNW-LLF, KRRI - Korean Railroad Research Institute
- German-Dutch Windtunnels (DNW)
- European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW)
- TU Cottbus, TU Berlin, NASA, Trinity College Dublin,
- Airbus, RUAG
- Ahlefeldt, T.: Microphone Array Measurements in European Transonic Wind Tunnel at Flight Reynolds Numbers, AIAA-Journal (in press, accepted for publication 06 July 2016)
- Haxter, Stefan (2016) Extended Version: Improving the Damas2 Results for Wavenumber-Space Beamforming. 6th Berlin Beamforming Conference - BeBeC2016, 29. Feb. - 01. Mar. 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Berkefeld, Tobias und Spehr, Carsten und Ehrenfried, Klaus und Haxter, Stefan und Kröber, Stefan (2015) Experimental Investigation of Flow-Induced Panel Vibrations at Cruise Mach Number. AIAA Aviation - 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22. - 26. June 2015, Dallas, TX, USA. DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-3263
- Daniel Ernst, Carsten Spehr, and Tobias Berkefeld. "Decorrelation of Acoustic Wave Propagation through the Shear Layer in Open Jet Wind Tunnel", 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Aviation, (AIAA 2015-2976)
- Spehr, Carsten und Haxter, Stefan (2015) Improving the performance of aeroacoustic measurements beneath a turbulent boundary layer in a wake flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 357 (11), Seiten 107-127. ELSEVIER. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2015.07.005
- Haxter, Stefan und Ehrenfried, Klaus und Kröber, Stefan (2014) Examination of the Influence of Flow Speed on the Coherence Lengths in Turbulent Boundary Layers at High Subsonic Mach Numbers. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 124. Springer Verlag, Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London. Seiten 619-627. ISBN 978-3-319-03157-6. ISSN 1612-2909
- Henning, Arne und Kröber, Stefan und Koop, Lars (2013) Acoustic particle velocity measurements: a cross comparison between modern sensor technologies. Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 24 (8), Seiten 1-12. IOP Publishing. DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/24/8/085303. ISSN 0957-0233
- Henning, Arne und Koop, Lars und Schröder, Andreas (2013) Causality correlation analysis on a cold jet by means of simultaneous particle image velocimetry and microphone measurements. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 332, Seiten 3148-3162. ELSEVIER. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv2013.01.027. ISSN 0022-460X
- Kröber, Stefan and Hellmold, Marius and Koop, Lars, „Experimental Investigation of Spectral Broadening of Sound Waves by Wind Tunnel Shear Layers”, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, AIAA-2013-2255
- Haxter, Stefan and Spehr, Carsten, „Examination of the Influence of Altitude and Speed on the Efimtsov Model Parameters”, 19th AIAA/CEASA Aeroacoustic Conference, 2012-5-27 – 2012-5-29, Berlin, Germany 2013
- Ahlefeldt, T., Sopranzetti F, Spehr C., Henning A, “Investigation of laminar detachment by means of simultaneous microphone and surface hot wire measurements”, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA-2013-2110
- Ahlefeldt, T.: Aeroacoustic Measurements of a Scaled Half-Model at High Reynolds Numbers, AIAA-Journal, Vol, 51, No. 12, 2013
- Haxter, Stefan and Spehr, Carsten, „Two-Dimensional Evaluation of Turbulent Boundary Layer Pressure Fluctuations at Cruise Flight Conditions” 18th AIAA/CEASA Aeroacoustic Conference, 2012-06-04 – 2012-06-06, Colorado Springs, CO (USA), 2012
- Spehr, Carsten und Hennings, Holger und Buchholz, Heino und Bouhaj, Mohamed und Haxter, Stefan und Hebler, Anne, “ In-flight Sound Measurements: A First Overview”, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 04. - 06. Jun. 2012, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
- Ahlefeldt, T., Quest, J.: “High-Reynolds Number Aeroacoustic Testing Under Pressurised Cryogenic Conditions in PETW”, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2012
- Kokavecz, Judith und Spehr, Carsten und Seemann, Lasse, “Microphone Array Applications in Cabins”, Internoise 2012, New York City, USA. 2012
- Kröber, Stefan and Koop, Lars, „Comparison of Microphone Array Measurements of an Airfoil with High-Lift Devices in Open and Closed Wind Tunnels”, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, AIAA-2011-2721
- Ahlefeldt, T., Koop, L.: “Microphone Array Measurements in a Cryogenic Wind Tunnel”, AIAA-Journal Vol. 48 (2010), Nr. 7, S. 1470–1479
- Kröber, Stefan and Ehrenfried, Klaus and Koop, Lars and Lauterbach, Andreas and Henning, Arne, „Systematic Comparison of Microphone Array Measurements in Open and Closed Wind Tunnels”, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, AIAA-2010-3734
- Spehr, Carsten und Ewert, Roland und Kornow, Oliver und Delfs, Jan, “Broadband Simulation Of Flow-Induced Noise Generation On Orifice Plates In Air Conditioning Ducts”, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference , 11.-13. May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA
- Spehr, Carsten und Henning, Arne und Siefert, Malte und Kornow, Oliver: ”PIV versus CFD as Basis for Hybrid CAA”, 13th CEAS-ASC 2009 Workshop & 4th Scientific Workshop X3-NOISE , 1. - 2. Okt. 2009, Bucharest, Romania
- Koop, L. und Ehrenfried, K, “Microphone-array processing for wind-tunnel measurements with strong background noise”, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2009
- Lauterbach, Andreas und Ehrenfried, Klaus und Koop, Lars, ”Array Measurements in Wind Tunnels with open Test Sections”, bebec2008 Berlin Beamforming Conference, 2008-02-19 - 2008-02-20, Berlin, 2008
- Ehrenfried, Klaus und Koop, Lars, “A comparison of iterative deconvolution algorithms for the mapping of acoustic sources”, AIAA Journal , 45 (7). Seiten 1584-1595, 2008
- Koop, L., Sijtsma, P., and Oerlemans, S., “Noise Source Localization in Closed Test Sections with Microphone Arrays”, 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, 2007
- Ehrenfried, Klaus und Koop, Lars, “A comparision of iterative deconvolution algorithms for the mapping of acoustic sources”, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2006-05-08 - 2006-05-10, Cambridge, MA (USA), 2006
- Ehrenfried, Klaus und Koop, Lars und Henning, Arne und Kaepernick, Kristian, “Effects of Wind-Tunnel Noise on Array Measurements in Closed Test Sections”, First Berlin Beamforming Conference 2006, 2006-11-21 - 2006-11-22, Berlin, 2006
- Koop, Lars und Ehrenfried, Klaus und Kröber, St., “Investigation of the systematic phase mismatch in microphone-array analysis“, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2005-05-23 - 2005-05-25, Monterey, CA (USA), 2005