Aeroacoustic Design

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Aeroacoustic Design and Analysis
One focus area at our Institute is research into noise generation at aircraft and vehicles and the development of noise reduction technologies. This relates to both the aircraft’s exterior sound radiation as well as the noise in the cabin and the flight deck. Another field of research at our Institute is the analysis and reduction of acoustic emissions from wind turbine rotors. In such studies on source noise, numerical simulation methods are used and experimental investigations are conducted in aeroacoustic wind tunnels and by means of flyover tests. We are particularly involved with aerodynamic noise on aircraft, caused by interaction of turbulent flows with high-lift systems and landing gears. Another major area of research involves sound sources that occur during the aerodynamic interaction between aircraft components, such as when an engine exhaust plume impinges on a deployed trailing edge flap. We also devise innovative aircraft configurations that are designed to be quiet and develop advanced prediction methods for aerodynamic sources of sound and cabin noise excitation. We use in-house software in its investigations in order to further refine, evaluate and ultimately demonstrate future aircraft designs and technologies as pioneering developments for industrial and social needs. This software is also used in industry. Moreover, our Acoustics Department is also an accredited noise certification body for propeller aircraft.