2022 - 2026

ZEIT - Zero Emission Industrial Technologies

Zero Emission Industrial Technologies

The ZEIT "Zero Emission Industrial Technologies" project complements other research projects dealing with propulsion and fuelling concepts with regard to suitable tank materials and their industrial processing. Both the various projects in German aviation research, the strategic solutions described in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the ZeroE concepts from Airbus pursue the same goal: drastically reducing emissions in the aviation industry. Almost all concepts are based on fuels that are transported as cryogenic liquids.

The following objectives for the present project are derived from the above-mentioned objectives and the division of labour in the overall network:

  • Development of a suitable and simplified testing technique for the indirect evaluation of the expected H2 permeability at LH2 temperature in order to reduce the complexity of material testing and thereby accelerate material and process development.
  • Validation and correlation of the developed testing technique using H2 permeability measurements at LH2 temperature on representative surrogate specimens.
  • Development of a phenomenological understanding of the formation of inter-fibre fractures on cylindrical CFRP tank structures and their influence on H2 permeation in order to be able to derive targeted countermeasures on the material and in the manufacturing process.
  • Development and production of substitute specimens for permeability measurement that best represent the laminate quality and laminate architecture of an industrially manufactured tank wall.

Investigation and targeted modification of decisive process parameters and possible countermeasures in order to achieve a targeted reduction in inter-fibre breaks and the associated permeability during the deposition and curing of cylindrical tank replacement test specimens.

Project partners involved



Dr. Ing. Christian Bülow

Project Manager
German Aerospace Center e.V. (DLR)
Institute of Lightweight Systems
Sustainability technologies
Ottenbecker Damm 12, 21684 Stade