A sustainable mobility for commuters of the future

Mobitat2050 - Living and Working 2050

In German cities, the population is steadily growing, leading to issues such as expensive housing and increased traffic. The MOBITAT 2050 project aims to explore how digitalisation and automation can change commuting and living in cities. The goal is to develop new methods to create sustainable regions that combine affordable housing, jobs, and environmentally friendly transport.

The results can be found on the project website (german).

Commuting of the Future

The MOBITAT 2050 project focuses on the sustainable design of commuter mobility in the future, using the Frankfurt region as an example. It aims to consider transport, living, and working in an interconnected way to create better commuting options. The main goal is to develop a tool that helps to understand how digitalisation and automation affect commuting. Based on this, measures for sustainability should be developed. An important part is modelling residential and workplace locations and their connection to the transport system. At the same time, strategies are developed to promote environmentally friendly and economically advantageous mobility. Both hard measures, such as infrastructure, and softer measures to increase acceptance are considered. The entire project is structured into seven work packages, from analysis to the development of recommendations for action, and uses behavioural science insights to optimise the measures.

Project partner

  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) - Lehrstuhl und Institut für Stadtbauwesen und Stadtverkehr
  • ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
  • ivm GmbH – Integriertes Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsmanagement Region Frankfurt RheinMain

Funded by


Uwe Drewitz

Head of department
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Transport Research
Space for Mobility and Transport
Rudower Chaussee 7, 12489 Berlin