Modelling Tool

SciGRID_Gas – Open source reference model of the european gas transport network

SciGRID_Gas – Reference model of the European gas transport network
The model is used to develop methods for creating an automated network model of the European gas transport network for scientific studies based on public data sets.

The SciGRID_gas model is an algorithmic model generated by the Institute of Networked Energy Systems that collects open source information about the European gas transport grid in order to produce an informative and consistent data grid model. Such data grid models have wide-ranging applications. For example, they can be used for studying specific scenarios, modelling gas consumption, minimising leakage and optimising the gas distribution strategies.



The data model is designed such that the most important gas systems, e.g. pipelines, compressor stations, LNG terminals and storage facilities, are taken into account. Information for these facilities, such as geo-coordinates, capacities, lengths and diameters, is automatically extracted from public data sources such as OpenStreetMap, the EntsoG database and the LKD model. Other information is manually collected from individual internet sources like press reports and Wikipedia articles or automatically read from the EntsoG map.

In the next step, this information is merged, and missing parameters are estimated via heuristic methods. The results are then exported to the SciGRID_gas data model. This information is then fully processed into a gas data network.

SciGRID_gas is focused on Europe, but the general methods are also applicable to other geographic regions.

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Energy System Modelling

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems