Research Group

Energy System Modelling

High-resolution simulation of power grids
A server infrastructure with 14 TB of RAM as well as 500 computing cores and eight graphics processors enables the high-resolution simulation of power grids at the Institute for Networked Energy Systems.

The energy transition requires a massive transformation of energy system infrastructures. The increasing integration of wind and solar power generation and the ramp-up of new technologies, for example sector integration, require an adaptation of the existing grids, storage facilities and power plants as well as demand flexibilisation. To identify functional and economically optimised design paths in such a multi-dimensional, complex and dynamic transformation process, the modelling and analysis of energy systems are urgently required. Various system design options for a successful energy transition can only be analysed and soundly evaluated based on the basis of appropriate system models

To this end, the Energy System Modelling research group is developing methods and solutions for the planning and operation of future energy infrastructures. The primary focus lies in examining how various technologies can contribute to creating energy systems that are sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective. In collaboration with the industry and academia, our goal is to improve the available energy infrastructure data for model-based energy system analysis. Simultaneously, we focus on improving the optimization of energy infrastructures in integrated and coupled energy systems by expanding our expertise in modelling methodologies. Our models and data sets are made available to the energy community by pursuing an open source approach.

In international research projects, we evaluate various supply concepts such as green hydrogen local production considering system interactions. In this way, we improve the data and methodological basis for model-based energy system analysis at different spatial scales. Thus providing important knowledge for the implementation of the energy system transformation. With the aim of increasing the robustness of energy system planning, we are continuously driving forward the expansion and improvement of our REMix modelling framework. By linking it with other tools such as agent-based models and using supercomputers, we can analyse up to 20,000 scenarios for individual projects and thus provide a comprehensive picture of the advantages and disadvantages of various options for implementing the energy transition.

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Energy System Modelling

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems