Modelling Tool

Sci2grid – Open reference models of European energy networks

Sci2grid, example gas: reference model of the European gas transport network
The DLR model of the European gas transport network is based on public data sets and is used for the scientific investigation of various gas supply issues.

The sci2grid models of the Institute of Networked Energy Systems contain information on the European electricity and gas transport network. They make meaningful and consistent data network models freely available and have a wide range of applications. The tools can be used, for example, to carry out and analyse case scenarios, to model energy consumption, to minimise bottlenecks and leakages and to optimise energy distribution strategies.

The sci2grid data models are designed to primarily process geo-referenced information for objects such as supply lines, substations or compressor stations. Such information is automatically extracted from open data sources and includes, for example, geo-coordinates, lengths and diameters of lines or installed capacities. Additional information is collected manually from individual internet sources such as press articles, checked and added to the models. Missing data is estimated using heuristic methods in order to provide consistent data models for further analyses.

The sci2grid models focus on Europe, although the methods developed can also be applied to individual countries or other geographical regions of the world.

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Energy System Modelling

Research Group
Institute of Networked Energy Systems