Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization
With a focus on computer science, the Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization searches for software solutions for the description and realization of the Virtual Product in aeronautics.
One of the guiding concepts of aeronautic research at DLR is the “Virtual Product” aiming at a highly-accurate and comprehensive mathematical-numerical representation of a flying vehicle over its entire life cycle. This requires multidisciplinary simulation methods and process chains / platforms that are geared towards the efficient use of future high-performance computers. There are specific challenges in both the development of software methods and in the management and analysis of very large amounts of data.

The goal is to base the product virtualization on high-quality, multidisciplinary simulation methods and to bundle virtualization know-how internally in close collaboration with colleagues from other DLR institutes. Based on the long-term requirements of the domain institutes, this research expertise is to be developed strategically and novel, innovative ways and opportunities for integrated digitization are to be demonstrated.
The major fields of research are
- Programming and data models for the efficient use of current and future hardware in High Performance Computing (HPC), HPC competence center of DLR
- Software frameworks for large-scale multiphysics analyses and optimizations based on high-fidelity simulations and first-principles.
- Software methods and technologies for the description and use of the Virtual Product (data analytics, surrogate models, integration platform, software security, simulation-based certification)