Multifunctional data capture vehicle (MDF)

The multifunctional data capture vehicle (MDF) of the DLR Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures is used for long-term monitoring, observation and data capture of maritime infrastructures. Equipped with different, high-resolution camera systems, the vehicle can be used at any time of day or night and in inclement weather conditions, such as snowfall, fog and rain. In addition to its built-in sensors, users can integrate their own specially developed sensors into the vehicle.

Measuring vehicle with multi-sensor platform

The MODAR multi-sensor system from the company OptoPrecision enables optical surveillance in almost all weather conditions, day and night. Object tracking, sector scan and an enlarged display of the individual camera channels make it possible to analyse the correct image source for every situation. In addition to the powerful, uncooled – and therefore very long-lasting – thermal imaging camera, the laser illumination – invisible to the human eye – is a particularly powerful tool in the service of public safety. This allows scenes with difficult lighting conditions to be illuminated in a way that can then be evaluated. Observing targets through atmospheric disturbances and windowpanes is no longer an issue.

Digital situation overview

With its modular sensor and data integration and automated, multi-dimensional data evaluation, the MDF facilitates an innovative research approach. In combination with underwater monitoring, it also contributes to the near-real-time detection of all moving objects in areas such as extensive port facilities and complex infrastructures such as oil production platforms and wind energy farms. The data capture vehicle makes it possible to obtain a digital situation overview with unprecedented timeliness and reliability. It also consolidates DLR's role as an independent advisor to authorities and organisations with security-related responsibilities.


Volker Speelmann

Head of Research Infrastructures
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Executive Board department for Innovation, Transfer and Research Infrastructure
Linder Höhe, 51147 Cologne

David Heuskin

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
In­sti­tute for the Pro­tec­tion of Mar­itime In­fras­truc­tures
Fischkai, 27572 Bremerhaven