Generic Experimental Cockpit (GECO)

The large-scale Generic Experimental Cockpit (GECO) facility is based at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) DLR-Institute of Flight Guidance in Braunschweig; it is a modular, fixed-seat flight deck simulator which incorporates flight-mechanical models from the DLR flight testing platforms.
Flight deck simulator for the testing of new display and control elements
Research at the facility is focused on human-in-the-loop simulations, which are used to develop new flight deck display and control concepts, as well as novel display units. In addition, the flight deck simulator is used to develop and investigate innovative operational procedures that may be applied in the future deployment of new technologies. Examples include multimodal systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) assisted navigation, taxiway lighting, air-to-ground communications, collision detection and avoidance, and innovative sensors.
This facility is part of the Air Traffic Validation Center. The Center provides scientists with the necessary tools to test and evaluate new ideas and technologies for all areas of air traffic management.