ACT/FHS experimental system

With a range of features including signal acquisition and distribution, data storage and telemetry, experimental control and displays, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) Active Control Technology / Flying Helicopter Simulator (ACT/FHS) test facility enables the preparation and execution of flight tests with the ACT/FHS helicopter. To prepare for flight testing, a duplicate of the system is first 'flown' in the AVES simulator. Flight tests are closely monitored in a ground station via telemetry link to the helicopter. The flown data is available for evaluation one hour after the flight and is archived.
Thanks to flexible architecture and simple interfaces, new software such as novel controllers from MATLAB/Simulink can be easily integrated. Owing to a risk-free hierarchical system architecture, a check in the simulator is all that is required before flight testing. Basic services ensure that such software is provided with all required data, commands are issued to the flight controls, and data is stored, transmitted to the ground and displayed in the cockpit. As a design organisation approved by the LBA and EASA, DLR is authorised to make experimental modifications to the ACT/FHS aircraft and to release them.
With the ACT/FHS experimental system, DLR provides a flexible and safe test environment for flight testing.