Connected mobility for liveable places


Tour through a more liveable city of the future
The VMo4Orte project is researching the mobility of the future and is pursuing a clear vision - to make cities and towns more liveable. In a VR audio walk through such a city of the future, the various research focal points are brought together and show the networking of mobility in all areas of life.

Term: 2022 to 2024

Solution modules for liveable places

Within the VMo4Orte research project, we present solution modules that can be used to contribute to the transformation of the transport system. To this end, we are conducting targeted research across several areas, grounded in a systemic perspective supported by our interdisciplinary proficiency:

  • Intermodal transport networks and hubs
  • Digital mobility management and navigation services
  • User-orientated business models for mobility concepts
  • Novel vehicle concepts for road and rail
  • Restructuring and mobility concepts for urban residents and logistics operations
  • Economic assesment of these solutions and the formulation of policy recommendations to guide future transformation strategies

At the core of the research project lies the inquiry into how the interplay of these solution modules across sectors can foster a joint and transformative dialogue with stakeholders. To this end, 18 DLR institutes and research facilities are working together alongside designated project sponsors.

Transfer through the involvement of project sponsors

  • Senate Department Berlin
  • District Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
  • Regional Association of Greater Braunschweig
  • Federal Association Parcel and Express Logistics BIEK
  • Berlin Partner
  • WISTA GmbH
  • DHL
  • LNC Berlin
  • Bringmeister
  • Logistics network Berlin Brandenburg
  • BdKEP
  • Vitronic
  • highQ Computerlösungen GmbH
  • Munich municipal utilities
  • go.Rheinland GmbH
  • District Office Treptow-Köpenick
  • Hamburg Airport GmbH
  • Verkehrs- und Traifverbund Stuttgart GmbH (VVS)
  • Mercedes Benz Group
  • City of Hamburg, Ministry of Transport and Mobility Transition
  • Ministry of Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Volkswagen AG

Project sponsors from transport companies, public institutions and local authorities as well as companies from the mobility and logistics sector actively participate in the VMo4Orte project, contributing their requirements and experience. Collaborating closely with these stakeholders, individual solution modules and emerging mobility concepts undergo further development and are implemented through demonstrators.

The project sponsors play a pivotal role in the development of demonstrators, which serve as tangible manifestations of jointly crafted solution modules. These demonstrators are designed to validate feasibility, identify areas for enhancement, and facilitate dialogue among all stakeholders engaged in the practical implementation process.

The project VMo4Orte – connected mobility for liveable places

  • Project type: Basic funding
  • Funding body: BMWK (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz)
  • Duration: 2022 to 2024
  • Project budget: circa 22 million euros full costs
  • Lead institute: DLR Institute of Transport Research

News about the project


Participating DLR institutes and facilities