Sustainable, circular and efficient shipbuilding processes
A sustainable and competitive maritime industry requires not only clean and efficient ships, but also sustainable, circular and efficient processes for all their lifecycle stages, including production, maintenance, repair, retrofitting and end-of-life. The Institute of Maritime Energy Systems is one of the initiators of the EcoShipYard project, funded by the European Commission under its Horizon Europe research framework programme. The project aims to develop consistent and comprehensive assessment methods and tools both for the material footprint of the ship and the sustainability of the non-operational life cycle processes.
The Institute of Maritime Energy systems is leading the work package focusing on the analysis of environmental impacts of ship new-building, retrofit and dismantling processes. Besides the institute will contribute to the development and testing of the assessment tools with specific focus on new energy systems and fuels.
In parallel, organisational measures are developed to reduce the environmental impact of the different processes as well as to increase safety and promote knowledge transfers, especially to shipyard staff and seafarers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101138730.
Complementing the EcoShipYard project, the institute runs a number of internal projects related to ship life cycle processes in close cooperation with the network of partners, including for example the Circles of Life project also funded by the European Commission.