
Maritime Research Facilities

There is great uncertainty in the maritime sector regarding the introduction of new technologies to reduce emissions. It is therefore imperative to prove that the high requirements in terms of performance, efficiency and, in particular safety are met.

The Maritime Research Facilities department coordinates the design and construction process of the unique research and test facilities: the research vessel and the land-based facilities. These facilities provide a unique opportunity to test, demonstrate and validate the developments of the institute's central research departments. The physical test facilities are complemented by virtual modelling and numerical calculations that combine to create a unique test environment.

The department also prepares all operational aspects to ensure safe operation and a smooth transfer of technology and knowledge from the field tests and laboratory tests to the maritime operators and back to the research departments.


Dr. Gesa Ziemer

Head of Department
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Maritime Energy Systems
Maritime Research Facilities
Düneberger Str. 108, 21502 Geesthacht